Friday, March 07, 2008

Heaven Is Like

I'm sitting here at the mall watching the kids play on the playground and I think I know what Heaven is going to be like. There must be a dozen kids running around screaming and yelling and enjoying themselves to the max. They're probably exhausted. They probably feel like it is work (I think my Psychology 101 teacher once said that play is work for children). But there is no stress. No anxiety. No worries. Only unadulterated glee.

By contrast, if you look around at the parents, you see frowns, stress, and the every-once-in-awhile yell for the kids to slow down, to stop yelling and (paraphrasing here) to stop having so much fun.


Quinn just came over to me with an "ouchie"...a little kiss later and all is well again.

-resume post-

I look forward to Heaven. I'm not sure exactly what we'll be doing there, but I know that there will be joy everlasting...little glimpse of which can be previewed at the mall playground on this Friday night.


amy said...

smile! glad you enjoyed watching the boys play! thanks for letting me go dress shopping! i like the Heaven snapshot!!

frown! stop typing blogs & KEEP YOUR EYES on the children while they are playing in the mall PLAYGROUND! you know how freaked i get when i think of how children can 'disappear'! remember all those episodes of "Without a Trace" we no longer watch b/c of my increased fear of one of my babies going missing??????? killin' me scoggins!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chuck said...

@Amy: Don't frown. It took me three times as long to write this post as it should have because after every word that I typed, I had to look up and make sure the boys hadn't disappeared.