Thursday, August 09, 2007

Session One: Bill Hybels - "Vision To Die For"

Bill Hybels always does the opening talk at the Summit. The whole conference is really his baby, and he truly gets jazzed up for this event. Probably because he feels that "the local church is the hope of the world." Nothing can provide hope like the local church when working effectively. Government can help people, but it can't help the human soul. Doctors can heal people, but they can't heal our sin condition. You get the picture.

In the first talk, Bill talked about a vision that people are willing to follow...even more than follow, a vision that people are willing to own and even (God forbid) die for. He gave some pointers for forming a compelling vision, but said that the most important aspect is the process. The vision is best formed, refined, and declared to the group that you desire to own it by first drafting it (preferably with the team that will be asked to own it), then re-drafting it, then editing it some more. The point is that if you try to sell the first snapshot that comes in to your mind, you'll probably fail miserably.

The single most determining factor, according to Hybels, that will effect the ownership of the vision for your followers is the extent they sense you, yourself own it. Vision leaks, and the more you refill the cup of those who follow you, the more they will sense you own it and the more they will be willing to adopt it themselves.

Question to ask yourself: Would you be willing to die for the vision God has given you? How much ownership do you have for the thing God has given you to do? Is life more about you, your career, your comfort, your path, etc; or is it more about doing whatever it takes to reach the finish line?

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