Curt Neff spoke this week and spoke about being a soldier for Christ. The passage he used was from Luke 7, where the Centurion told Jesus he didn't need to bother going all the way to his house, if he just gave the word, his servant would be healed.
Jesus says, "I say to you, not in all of Israel have I found such great faith."
I'm pretty amazed at this guy's faith. I am pretty sure that I'll never have this much faith. I, like the apostles, have often asked for Jesus to increase my faith, but I'm reminded of Lk 17:5:
"If you had faith like a mustard could move trees and mountains"
I guess it doesn't take much faith, huh? It's like that old hot sauce that mom used to make that I'd pour on my black-eyed peas...a little bit goes a long way. If I just exercised the faith that I already have I'd be right there with the Centurion.
I'm also reminded of Heb. 11:5 which reminds us that Jesus is the "author and perfecter of faith..." If he gives us any faith at all, he's going to perfect it. I think the problem is that faith seems to be something that we either have or that we don't. Seems to me that "faith" is more of a process. Which brings us back to the Centurion. Because of the place where he was in his life (in a position of authority and leadership), his faith was great.
I know I need to exercise the faith that I already have, trusting that in the process, Jesus will perfect it in me.