Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Grocery Store

Today on the way in to the grocery store I happened to notice the bulletin board that is on the wall in the entrance breezeway. I've noticed it a thousand times before...but for some reason it really caught my eye this time. It's the one that the store put up where people can post whatever they want to post.

I couldn't help but notice that it was so clutered and crowded with help wanted ads or services for hire that I couldn't really focus on any one in particular.

It seems to me to be a bad way of advertising. Yes, it's free...but it's useless. It is pretty indicative of all marketing today. There's too much of it and it produces a clutter and nobody's message really gets across. No one is paying attention.

I then started thinking about our lives in general. In many of our lives there's an incredible amount of clutter. So many demands on our time, so much to get done...I wonder if we were to declutter, if it'd be easier for God to work in us. Fortunately, God's not like us...he doesn't shut down when there's too much clutter. In fact, if we're willing, He can help us declutter.

I'm going to try to not be like the useless billboard. I'm going to try to slow down and see/hear God more. Join me?

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