Friday, May 04, 2007

Update On My New Goals

After a second trip to the doctor on Monday for fatigue, and after some bloodwork tests, and after hearing the results from the blood tests on Thursday I have the following to report:

The doctor still thinks I have a long-lasting virus (my liver counts were slightly low - no big deal - and everything else was normal).

My energy level is slowly rising. The body aches and headaches are gone.

I did lose 8 lbs in one week between doctor visits. However, i'm sure i'll gain it back quickly because my appetite is coming back.

I have been drinking a lot more water...yet I haven't cut back on the soda much (just drinking and peeing more). Also not doing so good on the eating out less goal, and, as a result not cutting back on the red meat too much either.

In spite of all this, my quest to be healthier goes on. Stay tuned.


Gram said...

Maybe Brenda is are allergic to STL. You can always come back to the South. :0)

Chuck said...

Everyone is allergic to St. Louis! It's the most allergenic place on planet earth!

Brenda Rae said...

Jason gets to have surgery and lose half of his insides to make him get better sleep and me more sleep. I am in big disagreement with the south - muggy produces mold and you are probably allergic to mold. I don't think Iowa has mold!