Monday, May 07, 2007


It's a strange thing to be helpless.

This evening when I arrived home from work I picked up Quinn because he was whining. I got half way out of the kitchen and he puked all over me. He went on to puke several more times on the night, and all I could do is sit there and hold him...helpless to do anything about the situation.

Later, leaving Amy at home to take care of Quinn, I went to lead our small group. I really felt like the discussion went well. It's funny, sometimes I do a lot of prep work for small group and the discussion falls flat. Today, I only did a little prep and things went great. It just goes to show that it's all about God showing up, not about my effort. Helpless.

1 comment:

Brenda Rae said...

sometimes how Jason felt! I love the feel of puke down my chest!