Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Is it better to be safe or is it better to go for it? I think in almost every situation (with the exception of matters that involve young children), it is almost always better to go for it - to be innovative, creative, fresh, new, surprising, remarkable, etc.

Why is it that every single situation, group decision, etc that I've witnessed or been a part of the past few days (or weeks, or years) has been safe and utterly unremarkable.

God is remarkable...and not very safe. He will supply all of our needs, but he's not safe.

I'm tired of safe.

1 comment:

Brenda Rae said...

Interesting thought - Mr. Scoggins - interesting thought.

God is the God of impossibles (humanly thought) So why not and trust that he will provide and do BIG things - by faith.

Our reward will be great for great faith!