Monday, September 03, 2007

Airport Police

Why do the police who patrol the airport passenger pickup area have to be such jerks? I honestly think it's in the job handbook. Is my small sedan really a security risk?

Thursday I went to the St. Louis airport to pick up my parents. I pulled up to the curb at the loading zone and as soon as I came to a complete stop the officer knocked on my window and told me I had to move on if the party I was picking up wasn't present. I told him that I'd just talked to them on my cell phone and they were present and if he'd relax for one second I'd find them and get out of his way.

It's no wonder that people hate going to the airport. Customer service is terrible from the parking deck, to the counter, to the security checkpoint, to the on-plane staff, to the bag claim (I recently waited over an hour for my bags).

I'm convinced that 90 percent of cops and security officers are just in it to make a paycheck, which is fine...but would it kill you to be a little courteous or to use a little common sense?

It is worth noting that my father-in law is a retired police officer. Knowing him, I believe he was one of the few who was more concerned with serving his 'customer' than just getting through the day.

Hopefully, I don't come across as ungrateful...i really do appreciate the public servants. I just wish most of them would be a little more servant minded.


Brenda Rae said...

I agree!!!

Todd and Jennifer Slade said...

Looks like someone might have been having a bad day. Maybe you needed a GREAT BIG hug from your bestest friend in the whole wide world..................

BIG NOG!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree wit cha. They are pains in the butt here in Louisville too!!!