Thursday, September 06, 2007

All of Life's Mysteries, Solved least one of them.

All my life I've been wondering how they make the visible lines in the grass of the outfield at professional ballparks (or at nice corporate offices). I didn't know if they cut the grass at slightly different heights (which works...I tried it in my back yard when I was in high takes forever to do...constantly changing the blade height). But that creates grooves in the grass which would create a problem when you're fielding a tricky hop or chasing down a fly ball (wouldn't want to trip in front of 30,000 fans would you)?

Tonight, while we were watching the genius philosophers of Charm City Cakes (on the Food Network TV show Ace of Cakes), the mystery was solved. They were building a cake replica of Camden Yards, and went to talk to the grounds crew there. Turns out they use a mower with blades that rotate vertically (like a steam roller) instead of horizontally (like a ceiling fan). That causes the grass to fold over in a particular direction and creates the lines.

Who knew???

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