Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hip Hop - Do You Get It?

I never did...until I read this blog post (and watched the YouTube video): http://churchrelevance.com/watch-jeff-johnson-speak-at-the-q-conference
In fact, I never got what the deal was with African American people.

I don't think I was racist. I think I was just ignorant. I didn't hate, I just didn't care. Or maybe I was racist and did hate because I was ignorant and didn't care. I was the white guy who would say, "Why don't they just get over it. I'm sick of hearing about how my great, great granddad screwed over the black guy." -- which sounds racist, but I didn't mean it that way. I truly wanted all of us to move past racism and begin to live with each other. I could watch movies like Remember the Titans and identify with it. But the whole time I just didn't get it. By wanting to move past it and wanting to live together (to get along), I was doing my own little part to keep us from moving past it and living together.

It's not about them vs. us. It's only about all of us.

Thanks Jeff Johnson for opening my eyes. You were talking about how the church and Hip Hop, but you really taught me a lot about the Church (me being a part of the Church).

If you've got 9 minutes, watch this video. If you don't have 9 minutes to watch this video, make 9 minutes and watch this video.

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